Monday, August 22, 2005

The Dimming Of The Lights

I got my storage unit today and unloaded my stuff from the trailer. I am still waiting on Stephanie to finish moving my stuff to the storage unit she is putting my stuff into. We had a long talk about a few things, and I was informed that she didn't appreciate my last post. It was a pretty cruel post on my part and based on allot of assumptions and me venting my frustrations.

I am just so damn tired of this empty feeling inside. I don't feel anger, hate, love... nothing. Just pure nothing. Dead would be a good way of describing it, and maybe that is the way it should feel. I wish it would just end. I would do nearly anything for this feeling to stop right now, but a part of me keeps waiting for a phone call from her saying that it was all a big mistake and she wants me to come home. I know that it probley never going to happen, ok, so I know it isn't there is no probley about it. That little flicker of life will die out soon. To be honest, right now I don't even know who I am anymore. This shell that I have become is not me, I don't know this dead, hollow person in the mirror. Yet at the same time I have no way to get back the person I was before this all happened.

About 2 months ago I had an Ace/King suited, but the flop is a 2,9,J. So I am going to call and see what the turn card holds, but the ante is getting pretty steep to stay in this hand. Maybe it is just time to fold.

I have edited my post from yesterday, I really shouldn't let my frustrations vent in that way. It was a personal attack and it was uncalled for.

On other news I have downloaded a few pics from my cellphone that I took and here they are.

Sunset in Nebraska

Archway Monument - Nebraska

Mountains of Serria Nevada

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