Thursday, June 09, 2005

Take A Moment To Meet Someone New

Today was a pretty average day, but god was I tired. Thursday's is always that way after 11.5 hrs of driving on Wensday. Today I had another road test that went very good, no mistakes so that that is good. I still need more work on my alley dock backing as I only getting it right about 50% of the time with this slow turning truck.

After lunch we had a state representative for the Highway Watch program give us instruction on the program. Basically what Highway Watch is, is a nationwide program, like Neighborhood watch except it is for professional drivers and state employees. We are trained and educated on what and how to report suspicious activity while we are out and about the country. It is a division of Homeland Security, and a great reporting method to help prevent terrorist activity.

Afterwords I asked my old driving partner (who got his CDL this morning, Congratulations Mike) to ride along with me on a route. The pretty much much finished up my day at school.

A few days ago I received an email from on of my faithful readers named Peter, who arranged to be in Green Bay today while on business and asked if I would like to join him for dinner. So I graciously agreed. It was a real pleasure too meet one of my readers, and have a nice chat over a meal about trucking, and my experience in school as well as life in general. Thank you Peter for the conversation and dinner. We will have to do it again if your ever up this way again.

So folks, the lesson for today is this: A stranger is a new friend you simply have never met.

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