Monday, June 13, 2005

Geee Toto, Is This Really Kansas?

One thing I forgot to mention about school on Friday is that I got to do "Live Dock". One of my instructors took us down to Neenha, WI to his old company that he worked for. He had made arrangements for us to goto their warehouse and dispatch center and actually back up to a real loading dock. It was a fun experience.

Today was a really good day, all things considered. I practiced my alley dock backing for about 2 hrs, and then got a CDL holding student to go out on a run with me. That trip went really good. At lunch I had to go up to student admissions and get my class registration straighted out AGAIN! Apparently, they didn't have me enrolled for the 2nd block that I have been in for 2 weeks now. Needless to say I was not very nice to folks in admissions, and I expressed my utter contempt with their incompetence.

After lunch, not that I got to eat lunch, we had a recruiter from W.O. Wolding company. Sounded like a decent company but they don't make any runs to Northern California so there not a good fit for me. I had a road evaluation that went great. I was once again informed that I would be up for my CDL test very soon. I am not worried about my pre-trip inspection or the road test really, but my alley dock backing has me a bit concerned. I am not performing that backing exercise with the consistency that I would like. I am completing the maneuver, but sometimes it is better than others. I really want to get that down pat better before my CDL test.

In the late afternoon we had to stop all driving and head into the building shelter areas as a tornado was spotted in out area. This took up about an hour and afterwords it was pointless to do much more with the little bit of time remaining.

I am still limping along on my PC. It is severely limited as I have nearly 160 GB of data crammed onto a my little 60GB backup drive. It looks like there is one casualty, all my bookmarks are forever gone. Quite upsetting but there is nothing I can do about it, and no way to recover them. It will take till about the end of the week till I get my new Maxtor 200GB Sata Drive. When I get that setup and configured it will still take me a few days to a week to get everything back up to 100%. I really hate having my PC in this crippled state for so long of a time, but there is nothing I can do about it till I get the new drive. I am going to be contacting Western Digital about the 2 dead drives I now have and arrange for either a refund or replacement of them. If they just send replacements (like I am sure they will) I will be selling them on ebay so I can purchase a new power supply. The power supply is the only thing left that is in real question in my mind after the failures I have had. Strangely it is a very good power supply, an Antec True Power 550W. My system is pretty beefy, but not that beefy that it should over draw a 550W PSU, but after running several diagnostic tests on the CPU, chipset, RAM and motherboard and having all of them come up clean with no errors at all, the power supply is the most likely culprit. But a new 500W+ PSU is not cheap, about $150-$225 for a quality unit.

So in the meantime I will just have to deal with things as they are, so be patient with me.


Anonymous said...

California is so much better. Earthquakes can do some damage, but at least I won't be trying to figure out which county my car landed in.

Maveric said...

So true baby, so very true