I finally got a hold of someone at VA regarding my GI Bill, good thing too as they need a signed sheet from me that I need to fax them. I guess when they said "digitally sign" on the online form they didn't mean it. Come on, this is the 21st century, the age of technology, the internet revolution, you would think the federal government would be up to speed. Ohh well.
I also have received a few emails requesting info on my budgeting spreadsheet, and had a few people say I should try and sell it to help raise funds for me to start my new career. So, why not? I took a few screen shots of it shown below. Most stuff I have found on the web like this goes for $20. Well I can't see anyone paying that much. How about $5.00. If you want a copy send me an email to maveric169@hotmail.com. You can use paypal for payment or other arrangements can be made.
It really is a great spreadsheet, simply enter in your income, your expenses and at the bottom it will tell you what you have left over. It will even carry positive or negative amounts over week after week. At the for end it will give you all your stats for the year. Works good and helps you plan your budget. The best part is it is now fool proof, so you can't make a mistake like I did. Here are the screenshots.
I ask for nothing, why don't I recieve it????
Is digitally signing your name like using a stencil to make pretty letters when you write your name in the snow?
Just thought I would ask...... ;-)
Hello, I want to know ehich one of your postings is about your soldier experience? where were you? what happened? please reply as a comment in www.royaparsay.blogspot.com
thanks and good luck!
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