Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Home, Home on the Range.

Well I made it home to Cali! Sorry for not being able to make a post yesterday, but after not getting any sleep Monday night, the long flight and drive home yesterday, I was exhausted and the gaining of 2 hours due to the time zone change didn't help too much.

My flight was fairly dull and routine. It was just long. I was supposed to just have a stopover in Minneapolis, however it turned into a plane change. No big deal though, my arrival gate was 30 Ft away from my new departure gate, but the hour long wait was tedious. The second leg of the flight was un-eventful with the exception of the 8y/o brat 3 rows back giving her parents hell and them doing nothing about it. I swear half way through the flight nearly everyone wanted to toss that kid off the plane at 30,000 Ft. I say toss the parents too!

Getting home was nice. Funny as much as things have changed, they all seem the same. My animals took a while to remember who I am, but after a few hours were happy to see me. I also found it odd just how much the image of my "wife" in mind had changed and lost so much detail over time. Strange how that happens, but god how I have missed her so. We are still dealing with our problems, and I doubt I we will get them all sorted in the short time I am hear but I think there is still hope for us yet.

When I called my roommate today to inform her that I made it, she told me that Stevens Transport called with a Pre-Hire noticed and wants to know when I can start! I will have to call them tomorrow and inform them I won't have my CDL for another 13 weeks. But at least I meet their base requirements. I still have to apply for Crete Carriers, my #1 draft pick, but was asked that I wait till I at least start school. So we will just have to see....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect it's because your memory is swiss cheese :-P
I have not changed , just your perception of me.