Friday, April 15, 2005

Be It Ever So Humble, There Is No Place Like Home.

Sorry I haven't been able to update this in the past few days. My little comp at home is having major PMS and refuses to let me on the net, so I had to wait till I got down here to my parents house.

Well, I have made some good progress on the whole financial aid issues I was having. The lady I HAD to speak to came back to work today after being out sick for the past few days. Now that my financial aid is all straightened out, I am trying to get the school to send my GI Bill paperwork through, and get the paperwork processed for the "retraining grant". So things are finally starting to take shape on the whole school front.

The home front is a whole different story. I finally got all the grass cut at the house in clearlake, whew, am I relieved to have that done! Today and tomorrow I am helping out my folks take the dogs (2 cocker spanials) to the vet and to the groomers. Then my dad and I will spend some time together, then it is back up north to the house. As far as my "wife" and I, things are still up in the air, but I think we will have our "heart-to-heart" talk on Sunday. Normally I am pretty good at reading how things are going to go (IE: either ok, or really bad) but unfortunately no such insights this time around; probley because it is such a serious topic this time around and the final answer just might end up being very final. Well I suppose I can't really worry about, what will be, will be, and only time will tell, only fate can see.

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