Friday, October 06, 2006
Has it really been a month?!
Well I will write more the next time I get a chance, have to find out where my next load is going to take me.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The Long Road
While there hasn't been any really big news trucking wise, there have been a few very pleasent developments on the personal front. Steph and I are now dating! Abit informally, but dating none the less. And while this is not exclusive, it is a step in the right direction. It doesn't mean that anything will come from it beyond it, but time will tell.
In other news, I am taking my friend Heather out on the road with me for a few weeks, and we will head out tomorrow afternoon. I am really excited to have someone along for the ride. The really cool pat is Steph has agreed to come out on the road as well after Heathers ride along is over. I am really looking forward to that more than anything.
My truck is holding up really well considering the 775,000 miles that is on the old girl, but she is starting to show her age and I know the company is going to be looking at trading her in soon. And while the prospect of a brand new truck is exciting, I know they won't offer me a double sleeper condo Volvo. So I will just have to see what happens. I have my fingers crossed, but I know what it is going to come to. Something else I have been looking at recently is a helicopter flight training school. While right now it is just not an option as it is 3 days a week for 2 years, but next year after I have my large bills payed off.....
I am still working on saving up the money I need to get a laptop that I want, so my posting will pay the price. But do not fear, as soon as I get internet access that will let me log in I will send you an update.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I am still alive!!!
I know I said I would be getting a laptop soon to keep my blog updated but it might take me a month or so to get things caught back up to be able to do it. Bills have tgo come first before new toys.
Cheesehead1 asked about Randy going to another company, and yes he did for about a month. He went to Smith Transportation. Thankifully he is back in the deBoer family again, after Smith couldn't keep him moving. Thanks for reminding me!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Home Again
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Still Truckin
Monday, July 03, 2006
Long Time No Post
Well let's see, where to begin to get you up to speed. Things at the deBoer have gotten .... Interesting, I guess would be the way to put it and not for the good. Over the past month I haven't been getting too good of miles and it is not because freight is slow. Miles are down because the company is putting most of the high mileage freight on the rail and giving drivers short haul runs. By short haul I mean runs that are 1,000 miles or less. Now I am not sure if I just had a shitty month, or if things are going to continue this way, but I am going to have a chat with my dispatcher about it before I head back out on the 6th. If my miles per week don't get back up to 2500 - 3000 I am going to change things up a bit by taking my time off in Cali and Washington every 2 weeks and take 2 days off. While I don't really want to do this, I never feel like I have really gotten away from the truck if I don't take at least 4 days off, but if I have to do it this way to get the miles I need...
As far as Stephanie and I go, things haven't changed much. We have had a few interesting conversations, but nothing that I think she was actually serious about. But we talk and keep in touch which is nice and I am planning on making a visit out to see her. She might even come out on the truck with me toward the end of the month, but I am not getting excited about it till it actually happens. But it would be nice to have some company on the road.
Tomorrow, I get the to help a friend of mine move to her new apartment. Not really what I would prefer to be doing but what the hell. I bought some fireworks for tomorrow night and were going to a friend of hers house to shoot them off. Hopfully we won't get arrested, LOL.
So enjoy the 4th!! Be Safe and have Fun!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Still Alive
Monday, June 05, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Falling Star?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
This return to work will be a long run for me I hope, unless the company forces me to take time off. I am finding that I have less and less of a desire to come off the road than I have in the past. Maybe I am just trying to lose myself in my work, and forget that the rest of the world even exists. Maybe that will be easier, but will that work or just exasperate things even further? Not really sure what I will do if it doesn't work, seems like the more I try to let go and move on with things, the more thinking I do and the worse it gets. But, at least this way I won't be bothering anyone. I have been finding harder and harder to let Steph go in my mind like she asked me to, I suppose if I can't do that my only other option to give her what she wants is to just walk away and disappear. Not really something I want, but then what I want rarely seems to matter in the grander scheme of life in general.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Mind's Eye
I keep getting many emails wanting more info on Steph and I, and I am sorry I haven't been able to reply to them in a timely manner. With that said, I am really not sure what to say about Steph and I, other than I am at a stalemate point and have pretty much given up on the hope that she wants to work things out. I gave it my best shot to show her I was serious, and committed, but I not sure that it even matters to her anymore. I still love her and always will but I guess I will just have to accept that I am not someone she wants to be with. Can't really blame her either, I am long haul truck driver that spends 4-6 weeks on the road at a time. Pretty hard to re-build a relationship with someone who is gone all the time when she has someone she can see anytime she wants, regardless of what I think of the guy. And I think she knows the game he is playing, but even something bad with a few bright spots is better than someone that is never around. Again, can't blame someone for that.
So where does all that leave me? Hell if I know to be honest. I guess I will focus on part of my original plan of building my house. Only it will be for me and not for Steph and I. The sense of having a place to call home other than my truck will be nice, but it will take a while. I figure to get all my debts paid off and save up the rest of the money I need will take me 2 years. Not really how I wanted to do this or even thought about, but it is all I got now so I might as well make the best of my new solo life.
In other news, my old trainer and friend Randy, is back with deBoer. So Welcome Back Randy!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Down In Flames or Rise From Ashes?
I am coping with the loss of my mom pretty well, keeping busy helps allot. The things with Steph however get more difficult nd have left me very confounded. After the week we spent together after my moms death, we told eachother that the time was what it was and ment nothing more. And as much as I want to convince myself that that really was the case, I really don't think it was. There are times that I feel I am really getting through to her, that she is really listening to what I am saying, where she is being honest with herself and her feelings. It is these short rare times that I think part of her really wants to drop everything and say "Lets try again", but those moments are so very short before she is forced back into the lie she is living, I doubt that will happen.
Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing her by that in anyway. We all live a lie in one respect or another, either to ourselfs or toward others. But there is a difference, some do it because they have to, others do it because they are to scared of reality not to. As for myself, I think I fall right in the middle of the two.
Well I just dropped my load in Birmingham, Alabama and am off to grab a bite to eat and pick up a load going back to Wisconsin by Saturday. I am nearly out of hours and am completly exausted, but the road is now my life and the only thing I got, so back to 18 wheel lover and home, the white line!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Where is the posts?!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Simple Things Are Hardest.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Moments In Time
Yesterday, Steph came over. It was interesting, relieving, and confusing. I have so many emotions that are running at the surface with my moms death and still with Steph's leaving, that leave the events of the past 36 hrs suprising and difficult. I really didn't expect the level of compassion that she offered me, and while I have my doubts that she would have done so had it not been for my moms death, but regardless, I am thankful for her allowing me to release my pain that I have been holding in for so long. But, it has made me question certain things, and if I have done the right thing, among them asking her to return my engagement ring.
To me this is on par with committing suicide, and I am still not sure I really want her to really do it. Hope is a powerful and dangerous thing, not to mention a painful thing as well. I know we can be every happy together, and I am asking for the one reminder of that for her back. But, with the full knowledge of why she really left, no longer being a question, could I really trust her if she did come back home. Or would I always wonder if her loyalty would wander once again.
My dad is still having a hard time with the loss of my mom. Last night was the first night he was home all alone, knowing that mom wasn't going to be there, ever. I admit I didn't consider this last night when I didn't come back to my parents house. I too am having a difficult time as well, as when I enter the house I expect my mom to be sitting in her spot on the couch. While after last night I don't feel the same amount of pain that I did, I still miss my mom a lot.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Death, and Real Friends
I had asked, and paid for, Steph to come down to CA to be with me during this time of loss as she is/was the only person I had trusted to show my emotions in front of. I was relieved and looking forward to feeling free to release my pain from my moms death. However, I think it was a mistake, I am not sure she is someone I can trust or even consider a friend to that degree.
From her actions and words, she came down to CA (all expenses paid by me - she even decided that this was a good time to get her license re-instated after getting it suspended to the tune of $85, but failed to mention that fact and helped herself to the funds I put in our joint account for her gas to come down and return) not to help and comfort her friend, but as an all expenses paid vacation to go see her "party" friends, and is happy for see me when she wants to go out to eat. Other than that, it is party time with her friends.
Well at least I know where I stand,......Alone.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
I really hate being right all the time. I know, it sounds egotistical, and if it wasn't so damn true I would agree. Trust me, it is not something I am proud of or even take any comfort in. It is a total curse. I can look at nearly any situation and know the outcome, how it will play out, and how it will end with exacting precision, and I fucking hate it. I knew that I wouldn't make it home to my mom in time, despite all my efforts, I have known about Steph and Sean for over a year before she left, and I know how all of it will end... and there is not a damn thing I can do to stop it.
Not to compare myself to these great people in anyway, I am a complete nobody by comparison, but I have always found it intriguing how people like Albert Einstein were mocked, and ridiculed for being right. It wasn't till years later, and in some cases after his death, that people realized and could no long deny many of his brilliant "right" answers to many of the greatest scientific questions to date.
But why is it that people flat out refuse to even contemplate the possibility that a person could be right, even when the evidence is clearly presented. Are we as human beings so mentally fragile that we must live in our self created delusions, even when we know it is to our detriment?
It might have been Steph, that once told me "You can't save everyone", but how does one not even try, when the knowledge of what will come, cuts just like a knife because you protect them from the pain they will go through. Knowing that if you can just reach them, make them see what you see, somehow make them understand you can prevent it. It is very similar to my mom, I knew how she would die years ago, really didn't take a genius to see, but again there was nothing I could do to make her see it.
Why is it that I can see certain things with such pure clarity in others and that knowledge could save them, yet I am unable to save myself from a fate that I have already foreseen. Maybe the "gift" I have is not so much seeing and knowing what will happen, but more of what is going to happen, things that are unpreventable even with the knowledge of what will come. More like previewing a movie, not editing. I don't want to believe that that is the case, if for nothing else, what I have already seen of my own "future", or lack there of.
Inaddition to all these things in my personal life, I having one hell of a time dealing with my moms death. Seeing her at the funeral home today, cut through me like a sledgehammer. I haven't allowed myself to breakdown. I just can't bring myself to put that burden on my dad and sister. The only time they have ever seen even a slight crack in my armor is after Steph left me, and really the only reason they saw any of that was because it was, and still is, more than I can take. I feel so completely shattered inside, with only the raw weight of the pain holding the pieces in place and I know that even time cannot fix this state I am in. I think the song by Nickleback - Savin' Me sums me up pretty well. I know I am falling, slowly collapsing in on myself, imploding in slow motion, but what does one do when the person who has always saved others needs to be saved himself?
P.S. I have updated the Favorite Songs Section finaly, sorry it took so long.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Goodbye Mom
My mom died on Saturday April 28th, 2006 at the age of 61. I wasn't able to get a load and get home in time. Once again I was a day late and a dollar short. While I am sure my mom knew that I did everything reasonable to get home in time, I find I am deeply troubled by my inability to do so, more than I would like to admit.
My Dad and my Sister are taking her death much better than I am, but I suppose that is because they were with her from the very start, while I was breaking every rule in trucking over 1,500 miles away trying to get to her side. Because of this, I think they were able to make their peace and come to terms with the fact that she would die, where I really didn't.
I was schuleded to deliver my load tomorrow, however the company was able to find a driver to deliver it for me. I am very thankfully for this, as I haven't had more than 4 hrs of sleep a night for the last 4 days, and I am really not in the proper state of mind to be driving.
Normally I am the strong one in these type of matters, the rock that everyone else turns to for support. It has been this way for as long as I can remember, but now I find myself on the other side of the fence.
I will write more later.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I am still trying to get home, my mom has taken a serious turn for worse, and the company cant find a load going to Cali.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Time Is Ticking
However I finally made it to my customer grabbed about 4 hrs of sleep and made my delivery in Roanoke, then ran over to Lynchburg and delived my final. A quick run up north to Georgia Pacific I picked up a load going to Alabama for friday.
In other news, I talked to my mom today, god she is really going down hill fast. She was barely able to have a conversation as she constantly forgot what she was saying. I don't think she will make it longer than 6 months at this rate. I scheulded myself to take 4 days off over Mothers Day weekend to spend some time with her, might be the time time I get to.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Nothing But Time
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Run, Run, Run
Currently at my first of 2 stops in Mississippi, after this I have to get a load in AR going to IL.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Little R&R
I basicly had the whole weekend off as i cant deliver before monday, so i played video games.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Things Are Getting Twisted
As far as Stephanie and I...... were talking, and are being civil. At this point I really just have to time play it'self out and see where it goes from there.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Back To Work
I am well on my way back back to Wisconsin, my total casino winnings was $106! Not bad.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Mo Money
Delivered my load in Oregon yesterday and today. Won $60 at the casino, might try again tonight.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Playing Catch Up
In other news, the 24th was my birthday, and I am now enjoying the ripe old age of 30. I went out bar hopping with some friends and had a pretty good time. I even found a restaurant that has some great food on the caliber of what I was used to getting in California. I miss spending my birthday with Stephanie, but she did remember and sent me a happy b-day text message.
My good friend and old trainer Randy, was in an accident the other day on his motorcycle. From what I hear he is ok, but pretty banged up. A few broken ribs and some serious road rash, is going to take him off the road for a while. I hope to be able to call him tonight to see how he is making out.
Heather, my friend I stay with sometimes when I take time off the road in Wisconsin had to goto the hospital yesterday as well. She somehow hurt her neck, and has had to take time off of school, as the muscle relaxers and pain pills make her sleepy. I have extended my time off by 2 days to help her out, but no matter what I need to be back on the road by Wednesday.
Well my time here on the library computer is almost up and I still have to check my email. Talk to you all later.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I Finaly Got A Different Truck!
Friday, March 17, 2006
From Bad To Worse
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Repairs Day 2
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I blew a front steer wheel berring, and am sitting on the side of the road waiting for a wreaker.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Bad Roads
Got my reload, but after spending 4 hours stuck on a closed interstate i couldnt pick it up. Will try tomorrow.
Lets Play In The Snow
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Burning Daylight
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Next Load
My next load is from Illinois to Dallas, TX by the 9th. It fits my hours but I cant load till 5pm.
Just A Matter Of Time
Monday, March 06, 2006
Run, Run, Run
Thursday, March 02, 2006
By The Hair On My Chin.
Made it to my first stop with a whole 1minute and 30 seconds to spare, but fuck am I tired!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Keep On Trucking
But, there is no rest for the weary. At midnight I have to head out and pick up a "RED" load in Appleton, WI that has 2 stops in Texas. It is a "RED" load because my first stop is Thursday morning! That is about 1200+ miles in about 20 hours, with my final stop at about the 1500 mile mark but the final is in Laredo, TX Friday morning. This load will push my log book to the breaking point but the miles are too good to pass up.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Rolling Again
Got my load on Tuesday, Green Bay to Florida with 3 stops. First one is off, burning a little time for second.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Trying To Get Back To Work, Big news Update
Some other news, both of my driver friends (Randy my trainer, and Charlie a trainer that I meet in school) have both quit after too much BS from Deboer. After talking with Charlie last night I have put in a application with Gordon Trucking as they sound like a good outfit with better pay and better equipment. Not sure if I would even be accepted with my 2 incidents or not but I can at least see what they say. That still doesn't mean that I would quit Deboer, even if I got pre-approved, but I can keep my options open.
I have gotten quite a few emails from you folks asking what is up with me and Stephanie. I wish I could say that no news is good news, but in this case it doesn't appear to be. Apparently, as I understand things, she has decided that she doesn't want to settle down with just one person. She wants the freedom to fuck anything that moves, if she so desires, answer to and be loyal to, no one but herself, and that does not conform with the whole marriage, house, family pardeim that I desire. Personally I think she might be going through a mid-life crisis, and hers has started mine about 10 years early. So really there is nothing I can do. I have said all that I can say, and it doesn't even matter to her, the last 12 years doesn't matter to her, and she has no plans for any kind of future even for herself. But like I said there is nothing more I can do. As usual, I will give her what she wants, and if that is life without me, well..... It sucks, you can lead a dying horse to water, but you can't make them drink.
To top all this off, she got herself fired from her job. This sort of puts me in a self-imposed quandary, as my first instinct is to re-figure my budget to pay off the very large pile of debt she has accrued with her foot-loose and fancy-free life style over the last 6 months, and then to find ways to support the household entirely on my income. Not an easy task, but manageable. However, I have to keep reminding myself (and Stephanie does also) that I have no responsibility to do any of this. It was her choice to leave, her choice to be reckless with her job, and her choice is live beyond her means. And while this my seem all nice, clear-cut and dried, it is very hard for me to do.
In other news, I finally broke down and bought a TV for my truck. Now that I have my PS2 from storage I will have some in-truck entertainment. This is actually more of a cost reduction step more than anything. This way I won't feel the desire to play overpriced video games at truck stops. The other cost reduction test, is instead of making up a bunch of sandwiches and packing them into my little cooler (it only hold about 12 sandwiches), I am going to try just packing ziplock bags of lunch meat and a loaf of bread and make them as I go. I hope to be able to cut my food expenses by 75% per week (about $100). That would be substantial.
Keep the Sunny Side!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Time Off
Time off, I have gotten my taxes done, but today I came down with severe abdominal cramps. I dont want to see a doc.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Still Sitting
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Just Waiting
Monday, February 06, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Getting Back To Work
I feel like I just got here and already it is time to go. I wish I could say that I got allot accomplished, but aside from laundy, a haircut, and very small amount of R&R, I don't feel like I have.
Here is something I found funny as hell

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Go Forward Young Man,.......Fuck!
So far I have had a total of 3 incidents. 1)I avoided a truck that would have hit me head on, and got stuck in mud. 2)Knocked down a mailbox trying to maneuver in dense fog. 3)A backing accident.
While everyone tells me these things happen, and that these are freak events, I am not very pleased with myself. Now I have to wonder if I will still have a job in a few weeks. I am not sure how the company handles an accident. With some companies, your first is your last, no matter how large or small. I will be talking with my dispatcher in few mins., so I hopefully can find out just how screwed I am.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Hello Cali I Am Back!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Shut down just across the Nebraska state lind last night. Hope there is less wind today, yesterday was bad.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
More BS!
Got a load going to CA where I will be taking 2 or 3 days off. Truck is still screwed up and company refuses to fix it.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
So much for getting my truck replaced, dispatchers boss had a bad day so he cant do his job, means no replacement truck
Monday, January 23, 2006
Damn Murphy!
With only 200 miles to go to make my delivery, this truck blows oil everywhere. I am getting it fixed and cleaned.
Friday, January 20, 2006
If Only Everyday Was As Good As Yesterday!
Monday, January 16, 2006
What Is Important?
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
The Wheels On My Truck Go Round And Round...
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Had to pull into a TA for a temporary repair, durring my pretrip inspection the whole oil dipstick asembley broke off!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Spent the day with with my folks and sister which was nice. Today started bad, got my truck stuck and had to get towed out.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
R & R If I Want It Or Not
This run was a little trying as I played hop-scotch with the mountain passes and the snowy weather, but I made decent time. I decided to go spend the night at my parents house tonight and will go back to my truck tomorrow afternoon. Even though I have only been out a little over a week, it is always nice to get away from the truck even if only for a night. My sister has the day off of work tomorrow as well so it will be nice to spend some time with her, as we rarely get a chance to.
Things with Stephanie and I really haven't changed much, unfortunately. Contact is pretty much nill with the exception of a quick text message here and there, but she told me she fried the battery on her phone. I don't no anymore, I think about her all the time, and I still miss her dearly. A simple text message from her makes me all goofy like a school kid with a bad crush. But as hard as I try, I seem unable to stop it. So as the saying goes, if you can't change it, roll with it and hope for the best.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A Day Too Soon
After playing duck and dodge with snow I made it to CA. But I cant deliver till Thursday.