Sunday, March 27, 2005

Now where did I leave off............

So where did I leave off..... ahh yes I remember now.

So things have been interesting for the past few months, not only in my personal life but in my professional life as well. About a month ago I got a call form Aflac (yup the one with the duck) to work in their IT dept. Not a glamorous job like I have had previously, this one working 2nd shift our of Columbus GA, but the pay of $40-45K a year starting is not bad at all. They flew me down there for a face to face interview about 2 weeks ago and said last week that they were finishing their interviews with 2 other folks and would let me know by the end of last week.

Well, no offense to Aflac, or any company for that matter, but I have been through this song and dance before a few times, so I was not about to put all my eggs in one basket, and started looking at alternatives. Now for me, time is running short. I recently had to cash out my 401K which is all the money I have left in this world. And of course it didn't help any when Stephanie forgot to open the CC statements and let me know that my unemployment insurance on those 2 cards ran out, and that was 3 month ago. Yea you could say I was a little peeved about it, especially considering they both went to collections!

Now I can't totally blame Steph as it is just as much my responsibility as hers to keep on top of the finances, and I put a little more than her share on her shoulders in this regard, but regardless of blame the result is still the same, credit screwed, and bills are due. With this in mind I decided to do something that I didn't think was in me to do..... Consider changing careers!

So after thinking about it I decided to look into professional truck driving. Not that much of a strech as my dad is a diesel mechanic, has been more years than I have been alive. Now as I haven't heard ANYTHING nor have I gotten any replies to my emails from Aflac, I have a bad feeling that job just isn't going to happen. But, none the less the show must go on, and go on it will with me as a truck driver. Tomorrow I am going to call Aflac and get an answer one way or the other. A part of me really hopes I don't get the job, as the idea of truck driving is really growing on me.

Yesterday I called Schneider and talked to them about their training program, and I also talked to Fox Valley Tech about their CDL course before that. Now Fox Valley Tech has, in my mind, a great CDL program. 10 weeks long, 1 on 1 instruction, all for only $1,800. Not a bad deal considering I can use my GI Bill to pay for it. Problem is though, I can't start with Fox Valley till May 2nd, and that is a problem. Running my budget, (an excel spreadsheet I developed, works awesome, email me if you want a copy) I determined that I would be dangerously close to being out of money by the time I got through CDL school, hired on by a company and received my first paycheck. According to my numbers an estimations, any delay over 1 week would mean that I would be able to make my car payment. Too close for comfort. Hence I talked to Schneider as they have classes that start every Monday! I could even make a trip home to see Stephanie, spend a day or 2 with my folks and still be ok money wise. I will call Fox Valley tomorrow and see about financial aid, but if not that is what I am going to do. Fly home to Cali for a week and then goto Schneider truck driving school.

Sounds like a plan huh? Well lets just see what tomorrow brings.


Anonymous said...

I think I live in a dream world where everything is going well (most of the time), or at least acceptably well, and somehow all of the ends meet when the time comes. I am reminded that when I first climbed into a truck things were not that way and I hope that eventually your road will lead to easier times too. (Note: This comment was made AFTER my taxes were filed.)

Anonymous said...

Well... at least I can say I am not being forced into trucking as a last resort, though this is not my first choice. I am still employed, but very unhappy at it. I would rather fly planes, but as that takes a $50k investment, I will have to go to trucking long enough to pay off some bills and get a fresh start, I hope. LOL

Good luck to you maveric.

Anonymous said...

That is very generous of you not to totally blame the other party involved.