Sunday, March 27, 2005

Down to the Biz at hand

Well now that I have given up trying to change the format and layout of my new blog and resorted to email support for help on my remaining issue, I thought it would be nice to "set the stage" so to speak and give you my new readers some background on yours truly.

So where to begin............ Interesting dilemma. Ok, it would take way too long to try and give you my whole life story so how about just a snap shot for now and then on to current events and as I talk about things I will make a note to add some background history till you all get up to speed. Sound good? Great.

Ok, me in a nutshell. hummm, this is harder than I thought, but here goes.
I grew up here in Wisconsin and when I was ohhh about 12 I moved to California. Went to High school and met the girl I have been with ever since, Stephanie. After HS I joined the U.S. Army as a combat communications operator/maintainer and served 3 1/2 years before being forced to take a medical discharge for a badly broken leg caused by a hit-and-run accident on Christmas leave. When I got home from the military I worked for a telecom company called Xeta Technologies, great company to work for, but management had no balls. The end result, laidoff after 2 years.
Spent a while unemployed much to Stephanies delight, before being offered a job back here in Green Bay, WI. Little did I know what a bad decision it would be to take the job. I was hired by a company called Infinity Technology, I thought I found a good company, and moved myself (leaving Stephanie in CA) here to GB, got a nice apartment, and was looking to buy a house for Stephanie and myself, life was good. Good that is till after being there only 3 months they laid me off! WTF, well after talking with a co-worker that lived in the same apartment complex as myself I found out they re-hired the guy (call him Mark) I was hired to replace!!! The event got more interesting when I called another local company looking for work and it turns out they just fired "Mark". After talking with the IT manager there it turns out that "Mark" lied on his application to them and kept insisting on being sent for specialized telecom training.
So, Infinity was just trying to get free training for "Mark" all along, and they never had any intention on keeping me around. A week later they fired my co-worker. What a bunch of .........

So for about a year now I have been doing freelance and contract/consulting telecom work trying to keep my head above water while I wait for my lease to run out as I don't want to break the lease. Unfortunately, my freelance and consulting work just wasn't cutting it and I was going broke FAST! So, when my very long time friend Heather told me she was going to get a divorce and needed a place for her and her daughter to stay, I said sure, but you have to help pay rent!

Now, I did talk to my beloved Stephanie about this before I said that Heather could move in, it would have been suicide not too. And even though she said she didn't have any problem with it, I think she lied........ Things between us have not been the same since and I really think that this is the cause. It might also be that we haven't seen each other really for at least a year now, but we are both used to that, while I was in the military I was gone for nearly 4 years, my telecom career took me away for months at a time. Maybe it is the combination of the 2 that has finally taken its toll on our relationship. We are now at the proverbial "fork in the road" as to whether we stay together or not. I hope we can work it out, I can't imagine my life without her being a full part of it. She is literally the Yin to my yang. My exact opposite with just enough in the middle to relate.

Well I have to get something to eat, I will post again today and finish getting you up-to-date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the Yin to your Yang eh? I almost feel warm & fuzzy inside......almost.
Sometimes your grasp of the female mind astounds me baby ;-)
Besides, I'm always around in some form or another. One would think the last almost 12yrs. would have taught you that :-D