Sunday, July 31, 2005

Never Thought I Would See The Day

Saturday, with all the things going on I felt the need to get out of my environment, and clear my head and try to gain some perspective on things. So I made a few calls to to people I know on Washington Island, made arrangements to spend the night with some family friends and promptly left. The Island can be very peacefully and tranquil and it allowed to see that I wasn't trying to escape from my environment, I was trying to escape from myself.

It was a nice break and change of pace, and while I could have stayed there as long as I wished, I felt I had gained all that I was going to from it within 24 hrs so I returned today.

Before I left on my little escape I did finally get my finger printing done for my hazmat so Monday I can start calling recruiters.

On some site news, I have been forced to remove comments from one of my viewers. I really never thought that I would be forced to do so. I guess I just felt that people would have enough respect to act in a civilized manner, but there is always that 1. While I have no problem with anyone voicing their opinion, dissenting or otherwise, I won't allow disrespectful or slanderous comments. I damn sure will not allow anyone to disgrace a fallen solider, no matter how he leaves this earth! For your information Jessiesgirl, that soldiers name is Spc. MacDonald, his friends called him "Mac". Don't ever do something like that again or you will be banned. I will not tolerate it.

To the rest of my viewers and posters, I apologize for this distasteful event.


Anonymous said...

I spoke very highly of our soldiers... it's you I attacked as a liar.

Anonymous said...

Misrepresent comments much?

Maveric said...

If you going to make accusations, be sure to have your facts straight in the future.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I not only have my facts, I can back them up. I know there was no 501st soldier named MacDonald (or any name akin to MacDonald) killed during Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Fox, Operation Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom.

Now, you want to try again?

And again, to be very clear, I'm not questioning any soldier's bravery and honesty EXCEPT YOURS.

If you're being so genuine about this.. leave my post up, let someone defend your honor.. certainly you aren't the only one who remembers Spc. MacDOnald and his tragic death.

Anonymous said...

If you like, I can dig up the sites with the casulaty lists. If someone has neglected to mention him, perhaps you can enlighten them.

Maveric said...

First of all, Spc. McDonald did not die in combat or in a combat theater, nor has anyone ever stated he did. He committed suicide at his off post quarters while serving with Carlie Company 501st Signal BN, Ft. Campbell, KY over personal issues with his wife.

Secondly, you haven't earned the right to question my integrity, or that of any solider for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mav,
For your info....
US Xpress doesn't require HazMat any more. You know I surely don't have it and I'm leaving for Medway, Ohio in a couple days for Orientation. Supposedly Eskale is too or maybe he's leaving tomorrow. Had some issues with an accident report and Tucson PD decided to misplace my request for a couple days. Oh well. Get off your ass and call Josh Gilliam at USX tomorrow. If you need the phone number email me.

Maveric said...

Jessie, you were warned on more than once. You are now banned for 1 week. All comments posted will be deleted.