As you can see from the next set of pics my load was precariously situated.

We left in 3 groups mainly to offset and stage our arrival times, this still worked but only to an extent after going up an fairly steep hill one of the van trailers had a slight problem. Their load broke free inside the trailer going up the hill and slammed into the trailer doors. This is why load securment is so very critical. Here some pics of the damage. Trailer doors cost about $900! Thankfully the drivers are in school, and they won't have to pay for the damage.

After this incident took place about 5 of the trucks pulled over on the side of the road to help re-secure their load. There was no way to do this on the up-hill side of the grade so they had to move to the downhill side. If that load was heavier or had more room to move it could have punched right out the back of the trailer. This is why checking your load durring your trip is so very important. Had the drivers not stoped and checked their load, the end result could have been much, much worse.
Here is a pic of all of us for the pre-trip meeting.

This is a pic of the schools mechanics bay/repair shop where we get our trucks fixed.

And last, here is a pic of the new Phase One students getting a pre-trip demo from 2 Phase 4 teams.

Hope you like the pics!
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