Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Another Day On The Ranch

As some of my views have noticed (and made me very aware of) that I haven't been posting this past week daily like I normally try to. Well the reason is pretty simple, nothing is going on, other than a little housework, grocery shopping and PC maintenance/fine tuning. I really dislike this idle time, and while it has given me the time to get the house work done, call recruiters back, and work on my PC some more, it dulls me to no end.

And the same thing always ends up happening, my mind gets bored and starts working on questions and problems that generally can't be solved. Like what is the last digit of PI!!!! Sure you laugh, but I am the poor bastard with the migraine from it! BTW, 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628

Yea, major migraine after that. My other favorite that I actually came to a decent answer to was the whole "What is the meaning of life?" question. Well the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy told us the answer is 42. So that took care of that part...LOL. But upon some reflection I realized why we can't answer that question to our own satisfaction. I think it is because Life has a different meaning to each and everyone of us.

Or consider this hypothesis: A sphere has no "end" it just has a boundary. And if you consider that the most organic form is that of a sphere, then ponder this. The earth is a sphere, all the planets in the known galaxy are a sphere, they all travel in a spherical path. The earths "sphere" has a boundary of the outer atmosphere, so then taking that a step further, space it self must be a sphere, and have a boundary. So what is on the other side?

Ahh well, I will stop rambling for now.

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