Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Price Of Love, Part 2

I promised my viewers that I would never make my blog a battleground for a pissing contest, and I have no intention of that now or ever. I will post my thoughts, feelings, and adventures. The other thing I promised myself is that I would never censor or remove a comment, unless the post was pointless and had no relevance to this blog. And while I was very tempted in my angered state to remove Stephanie's comment, I feel that it would degrade and cheapen the whole reason it was created. I will however defend myself, my words, and my blog. And so with that I will address Stephanie's comments.

To start with, I did not have my EX roommate over when we spoke. Matter of fact she never came over. Secondly, I have not miss-represented ANYTHING to my readers at anytime, and your own words Stephanie prove that.

What I find disturbing, is that a person would say things like "I love you", and elude to there being a future together, and then want money for things that one person paid in the course of that relationship, now hence past. Geeze, how many years did I support the household, how many of the bills did I pay. Yet, I have never asked for a dime. I have never stooped so low to boil a relationship down to monetary number. The very fact that Stephanie was so interested in getting money, and makes me really question if I "took it all out of context", is the fact that she wanted me to sell the $5000 engagement ring I gave her so she could get her beloved money. Humm, how exactly am I to interpret that?

I will agree that I was royally pissed off when I made my evening post yesterday, and that I did throw a few punches with my comments and that it was not right for me to do so. However, that is the way I felt at that time, and to a certain extent, still do. This "event", strikes a nerve even future considering I allowed Stephanie to spend beyond the budget on her 2 trips to Reno with her EX just before she left me, and told her at the time that I would need her to put some of her money into the household budget to compensate. Pretty fucked up, leave a person so they no longer have a home, destroy all the plans that everything was based on, requiring them to spend huge amounts of money that you know they don't have, and then ask for more. It don't get much lower than that in my book.

I really didn't think that she was like this. I have never met this new improved Stephanie, but if this is the person she has become, then maybe this is the best outcome. I know she is looking forward to this public response as she doesn't return emails for these type of conversations. Some people always want to be the victim, even when it is there actions that put them there. At least I accept my mistakes and the consequences for them.

The sick part is that part of me feels such a level of desperation for my life with her, I really want to belive I "took it all out of context". Yet her words say one thing, and her actions say another. She wants to be paid for money that she paid into the expenses of the household, and yet says that she is considering changing her mind on ending things. Doesn't seem to make much sense to me, so I don't really know what to belive. Maybe things will become clearer after I have had time to cool off and calm down.

I have tried to keep this post from becoming a battlefield and I hope that I have succeeded. If I haven't, please feel free to post your objections so I can find another way to address such things in the future.


Maveric said...

Notice - 2 comments from JessiesGirl have been removed. If you cannot express yourself in a civilized manner than please refrain from doing so at all.

Anonymous said...

Don't like having your lies exposed?

Maveric said...

If you post had a single word of truth to it and less of your grossly imaginative assumptions, your are free to post any point of view you have. When you cross that line, you don't leave me much choice. If you want to make accusations, I am sure you can find a chat room to relieve yourself.