Saturday, August 05, 2006

I am still alive!!!

Wow, it has been a while since I have had computer access. I have been making allot of runs down south and have not had digital cellphone signal. Right now I am at my friend Randy's house in Ohio. He threw a party for his 2 sons, one going into the Airforce and one comming out of the Navy. Things have been a little difficult for the last month and half. I had 4 weeks of low miles (less than 1600 per week) that really put a hurt on my finances. In about 2 weeks I will be going out to Washington to visit Stephanie. I miss her allot and am really excited to go spend some time with her. Heather, my friend in Wisconsin graduated for message therapy school last week. It is a big accomplishment for her. She will be going to Alaska the middle of this month to attend her sisters wedding.

I know I said I would be getting a laptop soon to keep my blog updated but it might take me a month or so to get things caught back up to be able to do it. Bills have tgo come first before new toys.

Cheesehead1 asked about Randy going to another company, and yes he did for about a month. He went to Smith Transportation. Thankifully he is back in the deBoer family again, after Smith couldn't keep him moving. Thanks for reminding me!

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