Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I am still here folks

I know it it has been a long time since my last post, but nearly all of my posting options have been eliminated and I haven't bought a laptop yet. Not much has really changed in my life, just working, driving from place to place, but I have to say that it is taking it's toll on me. Maybe I am just tired right now, I have beed driving my ass off for the last 5 weeks straight so I could get the time off I wanted out here in California. My dad and I are going on a trip to Reno together tomorrow to do some gambling and spend time together. My dad really doesn't do much and I think is pretty lonely now that my mom is gone. Her death hit him harder than anyone I think.

I will try to get a post out a little more often and every 3 months and will post before I leave.