Saturday, October 29, 2005

What A Day!

Today was a real pain in the ass. During my pre-trip this morning I noticed that my right turn signals were not working, so after playing with it for a bit I called RoadRepair as was told to goto our terminal in Texarkana just a few miles down the road. Of course I looked like a total retard when the mechanic fooled around with the electrical connection and everything started working just fine. Grrrrr.

Once on my way back up Hwy 71 north some jackass truck driver from Bean Transportation decided I wasn't going fast enough for his liking, and passed me with on coming traffic, narrowly avoiding a head on, and then proceeded to perform the same maneuver to pass a 4 wheeler, again almost causing a head on. It is truck drivers like that guy that give the trucking industry a bad name. If I could have gotten the assholes truck number I would have called his safety department and reported him. I thought about calling the police, but I did feel it was right without the truck number to make sure the right person got what he had coming.

All and all it was a rough day for me, I found traveling on 71 with 78,000 lb trailer stressful, and only managed 334 miles. I am tired and stopped for the night in Joplin, MO for the night. Tomorrow I will have to put down about 500 miles to make my delivery Monday morning.

One thing I am going to miss is having a laptop when I leave my trainer on Tuesday. I like being able to make these good posts.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Good Day, Hard Run

Today was a better day, yet a little bit sad. I Left Joplin, MO this morning and delivered a load in Springdale, AR, then deadheaded down to Ashdown, AR near Texarkana, AR to pick up a new load going to Minnesota. In route there was a head on crash with what looked to be 2 fatalities. Sad to see things like that. This new load is pretty heavy, tipping the scales at 78000 lbs total. I have decided to go a little out of route down to a Flying J truck stop in Texarkana, AR for the night. The route I need to take is a narrow, winding and hilly road that demands full attention during the day time, much less at night with a heavy load. I didn't feel it was safe to try to run it at night so here I am, where I will leave out in the morning.

I am going to be heading back to the terminal within the week, and my training is going to try to get me upgraded to my own truck at that time. I would only have 3 days left of the 30 days training anyway. So I will have to wait to see what the company decides to do, either way I will be ready! I am looking forward to a little time off.

On the personal side of things, Stephanie seems to like her new place in Washington. Her and her mom bought 3 horses, yes I said horses, and is having allot of fun with that. While I am happy for her, I still miss her dearly. She doesn't realise it but she is doing all the things I was working on doing before all this started. I sorta feel cheated, my suprise stolen. I guess I should be used to that by now, but it still feels like a kick in the groin.

Some site news, I have been working to get rid of some of the pop-us that Bravenet uses, if my aggravation with them was any indication, I am sorry I have put my views through it. So, things should be pop-up free for the most part, if not send me an email and I will work some more on it. Sorry for that folks!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Uhg! Broken

Yesterday got the truck 90% fixed but next load trailer had no lights, had to get that fixed. On my way to Arkansaw.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Repairs, yea!

Picked up a load and dropped it at the yard. Tomorrow my truck will get repaired i hope.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Truck Needs Work

Picked up a new load in Indiana going to WI. Our cold water leak is getting much worse. Had to bypass the sensor after the truck shutdown on me on the interstate. Hopefully when I drop this load tomorrow afternoon we can get routed to the terminal for some repairs. For now I going to bed just north of Chicago.

On the personal side of things, not much has really changed. Stephanie and her mom have found a new place somewhere in Washington. Beyond that, no progress to working things out and only the ticking of time walking things slowly in reverse.

Well for now, goodnight.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

R & R

Picked up a new load from a drop yard and delivered it in Ohio. Wont leave out till monday, so I get a little R&R time.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Another Load Down, And Another Waiting

This past week has been a rough one. I have been pushing my log book to it's limits everyday to keep up. So much so that it has been hard to get anything other than sleep and driving done. Right now I am at a Flying J just outside Nashville, TN where I just finished dropping a load. I can't pick up my next load here in TN till 11:00pm and will be taking it to a drop yard in WI.

So far things are going good. 2 weeks down and 2 weeks to go before I upgrade to my own truck. My trainer says he would upgrade me right now if the company would let him, so that is point of good news.

Well I need to get me something to eat, a shower, and route plan my next load.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hard Running

Ran hard all night, 875 miles, to make my appointments in IL now just waiting for a new load.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Made my deliverys in Alabama, and reloaded with 2 stops for IL due wednesday, but first have to get a trailer tire fixed.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Multi-stop load

I put down 607 miles today. I am now parked at the customer in Montgomery, AL for my 8:00 am delivery.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Going To Be A Long Day Today

It is going to be a long day today, I have been informed by my dispatcher that I need to make my delivery tonight!!, so I can pick up another load in Neenha, WI going to Alabama. This will be a multi-stop load with 3 drops on Monday. Whew. Gotta get some hard miles tonight. I have already put down 437, and will need to put in another 280 more to "Gett'er Done"! I have been doing so much of the driving that I have almost burned myself out of hours for the week. As of this morning I only had 17.5 hrs left of my 70!!! Good running, but tough. This weekend I will let my trainer do all the driving and take a 34 hr restart to some my hours back.

Right now I am in Fargo, North Dakota to grab some dinner, and fuel. Have to make Menominee, WI tonight so not much time to sit around. See you later, the road calls for me once again!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Still Trucking

Well today I covered about 500 miles and have shut down for the night about 100 miles sooner than I wanted to but finding a truck stop with showers and parking wasn't easy tonight so that forced me to stop early for the night. I was wanting to get to North Dakota tonight but... Tomorrow I will get up early, grab a shower and some fuel and hit the road. The load I have does't have to be delivered till Sunday in Menomine, WI so there is no big rush. I have been able to stay ahead of the wet weather the past few days for the most part.

On the personal front things seem to be going saddly the way I figuared they would, Stephanie and I are drifting further and further apart the more time that passes. I had hoped it wouldn't but I can feel it happing everyday and I am powerless to stop it. I would give anything to prevent it but what more can I do than tell her everyday that I love her and I miss her?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Shuting down for the night just inside Idaho. Scaled my rig and i am running at 74000 lbs. Well goodnight.

First Delivery Done!

Made my first delivery in Richland, WA. Picked up new load in B.F.E. Oregon. Heavy load 47000 lbs.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Run 1 Almost Done

My first run is almost complete. Only Drove 370 miles today as most of it was mountains. We stopped at the Iowa/Washington state line for the night as it is the last decent truck stop between here and out delivery point and that is only about 100 miles away. So time to grab a shower and a bite to eat and get some sleep.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Good Running

Shuting down in Bossman Montana. Drove 473 miles today. Trying to keep ahead of the snow. Goodnight.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Keep On Truckin'

Day 2 of my OTR training, still in route to make my first delivery with my trainer in Washington. We are shutting down for the night about 80 miles from Wyoming. I went across my first real scale house today! Yea! We have a fairly light load, about 29,000 lbs so no worries with weight. I have been doing allot of the driving so far and I think I am doing well so far. All and all I am having fun, learning allot, and looking forward to what tomorrow might bring.

But atlas, I am exhausted and desperately need sleep. So Goodnight all!

Friday, October 07, 2005

1st Run!

My first run is to Richland WA, 1648 miles with lots of time to get there! Shutdown for the night at a rest area. Night!

DeBoer Day 4

Got assigned my trainer today, will leave on friday as truck needs servicing.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

DeBoer Day 3

Today was roadtest day. What joke! A few very basic turns, and a simple alley dock backing and that was it! Sheesh!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

DeBoer Day 2

Pretty much a wasted day, watched safety videos and got intro training on qualcom. Tomorrow is my driving test.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Day 1 DeBoer

Day 1, paperwok and drug test. Bunkhouse is no holiday inn, but will make due. Hope tomorrow is not as slow!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Got It?

Did a little shoping today and feel i have most things covered. Will do laundry and i should be set to start work monday.