Monday, March 27, 2006

Playing Catch Up

Well the past few days have been full of events. As I stated in my last post I have gotten a different truck that I hope will be more reliable than my old '99 International. While my "new" truck has almost as many miles on it as my old truck, it seems to be in much better shape. I love it. I just wish I didn't have to fight as hard as I did to get a better, but overall no that great of a truck. But, better this than nothing. I actually had to play the safety issue card to get this truck. Not to downplay the seriousness off things, but I nearly lost my old truck when the wheel bearings blowout. Had it been the right wheel and not the left I would have gone into the ditch and rolled the truck at 70 mph, with a 45,000lb load. I guess that is why they list Professional Truck Drivers at #4 or #6 (cant remember offhand) in the list of most dangerous jobs (ie: greatest likelihood of being killed).

In other news, the 24th was my birthday, and I am now enjoying the ripe old age of 30. I went out bar hopping with some friends and had a pretty good time. I even found a restaurant that has some great food on the caliber of what I was used to getting in California. I miss spending my birthday with Stephanie, but she did remember and sent me a happy b-day text message.

My good friend and old trainer Randy, was in an accident the other day on his motorcycle. From what I hear he is ok, but pretty banged up. A few broken ribs and some serious road rash, is going to take him off the road for a while. I hope to be able to call him tonight to see how he is making out.

Heather, my friend I stay with sometimes when I take time off the road in Wisconsin had to goto the hospital yesterday as well. She somehow hurt her neck, and has had to take time off of school, as the muscle relaxers and pain pills make her sleepy. I have extended my time off by 2 days to help her out, but no matter what I need to be back on the road by Wednesday.

Well my time here on the library computer is almost up and I still have to check my email. Talk to you all later.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Finaly Got A Different Truck!

For better or worse I was able to talk myself into a 2000 Volvo. Now I just have to go get my stuff out of my old truck that is still at the repair shop in Missouri tonight. Truck needs alot of cleaning and a drivers side arm rest but other than that, I think I will be in good shape. It is even a double sleeper!

Friday, March 17, 2006

From Bad To Worse

The one thing I didnt want to happen has of course happened. Instead of just sitting my breakdown out 2 extra days I now have to jump through hoops, and I am preaty pissed off about it. Now I have to wait on another driver to show up, ride with him to St. Louis, pick up an abandoned truck, pick up a load somewhere deliver it, at some point drop the truck at a terminal and then at sometime get back to get my truck. What a bunch of bullshit!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Repairs Day 2

Well it looks like I am going to be down till monday. My parts are being delivered by another deboer driver as the International Dealership doesnt have my parts at all anywhere in the united states! My company is pulling the parts off another truck just to fix mine! So I am going to lose a week of running.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I blew a front steer wheel berring, and am sitting on the side of the road waiting for a wreaker.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bad Roads

Got my reload, but after spending 4 hours stuck on a closed interstate i couldnt pick it up. Will try tomorrow.

Lets Play In The Snow

I was able to crawl into the customer early this morning but mother nature is not being friendly making driving hazardous. I have gotten unloaded and am now waiting for my next load. Wherever I go next it will be slow going.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Burning Daylight

The past few days have been a bit of a blur. I delivered my load in Dallas, TX, although the trip there was ...... Interesting. The weather in Oklahoma was a bit rough, but provided one of the most spectacular lighting shows I have seen in years. After I delivered in Dallas, I picked up a load in Ft. Worth and took that to Baton Rouge, LA. I reloaded in LA and am now in route to MN by Monday morning.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Next Load

My next load is from Illinois to Dallas, TX by the 9th. It fits my hours but I cant load till 5pm.

Just A Matter Of Time

I wasnt able to get a new load yesterday as I didnt have enough hours left to really get anywhere. So I used the time to catch up on some paperwork and sleep.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Run, Run, Run

I completed my deliveries, and re-loaded in San Antonio, TX going to Chicago, IL where I am at n ow waiting to get unloaded. I already have a pre-load at our drop yard here in Chicago. That load is going to Plymouth, IN and has to be there tonight. That will easy. Yesterday was my sisters birthday so I called her.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

By The Hair On My Chin.

Made it to my first stop with a whole 1minute and 30 seconds to spare, but fuck am I tired!