Friday, December 16, 2005

Road Debris

The other night while driving down I-10W in LA a dump truck lost pat of his load on the freeway dumping several basketball sized rocks on the freeway. While I was able to avoid nearly all of them, there was one I couldn't avoid without taking out a car. It hit the underside of my truck and a quick check it didn't appear that it did any damage. However, during my post trip inspection I was able to get a good and through look at things. The large rock and severely dented the bottom backside of my left fuel tank, but that was all the damage. Yesterday morning during my pretrip I noticed that the pavement was wet under the tank and that I had a fuel leak.

It took about 5 hours at a repair shop to get a patch welded on the tank. I then delivered my load and picked up my next load going to La Crosse, WI. Right now I am in Las Vegas, NV. I am very tight on hours for today and tomorrow and can't really do much till Sunday when I get some decent hours back.

On the personal front, I still have not heard anything from Stephanie but I did catch her mom at the old house and found out that she had talked to her earlier that day. So at least I know she is ok. I get worried as she is alone and her nearest neighbor is nearly 1mile away, and it is unlike her to not reply in any form or fashion. However, over the past few months I am not sure what that means anymore as nearly everything she has been doing and acting is totally out of character. I just hope her recent abrupt change in behavior and attitude is because of me and that she is not back doing drugs again. I knew that I may have to accept the fact that we were never going to work things out and I knew the more time that went by the chance of that was less and less. However, I never considered the fact that we wouldn't remain friends, and stay in touch. I guess that is just one more thing I have to add to the list, and it is very sad.

1 comment:

Maveric said...

Well I didn't mean to put that statement as strong as it came across, I am just not sure what to make of the dramatic change in her behavior.