Saturday, October 29, 2005

What A Day!

Today was a real pain in the ass. During my pre-trip this morning I noticed that my right turn signals were not working, so after playing with it for a bit I called RoadRepair as was told to goto our terminal in Texarkana just a few miles down the road. Of course I looked like a total retard when the mechanic fooled around with the electrical connection and everything started working just fine. Grrrrr.

Once on my way back up Hwy 71 north some jackass truck driver from Bean Transportation decided I wasn't going fast enough for his liking, and passed me with on coming traffic, narrowly avoiding a head on, and then proceeded to perform the same maneuver to pass a 4 wheeler, again almost causing a head on. It is truck drivers like that guy that give the trucking industry a bad name. If I could have gotten the assholes truck number I would have called his safety department and reported him. I thought about calling the police, but I did feel it was right without the truck number to make sure the right person got what he had coming.

All and all it was a rough day for me, I found traveling on 71 with 78,000 lb trailer stressful, and only managed 334 miles. I am tired and stopped for the night in Joplin, MO for the night. Tomorrow I will have to put down about 500 miles to make my delivery Monday morning.

One thing I am going to miss is having a laptop when I leave my trainer on Tuesday. I like being able to make these good posts.

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